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Bulletmaxxing is a platitude often used by bluepill believers to downplay the discrimination that an individual might face. This is done mainly by telling the individual "you dodged a bullet" or otherwise stating that the situation they found themselves in was uncommon and out of the ordinary, and that they were actually lucky to have experienced it. Of course, it is the case that these behaviors are fairly common in the population- telling an incel that the discrimination he faced is an issue on the part of the individual rather than a societal one is what the term "bulletmaxxing" refers to.

Dhruv: She told me straight to my face that she hates short or ethnic men. Steve the bluepiller: You really dodged a bullet there bro. Trust me, if someone judges you for your race you don't want to be with them bro. There's someone out there for you I promise bro. This is totally not the case for all women bro.