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A volcel is someone who is voluntarily celibate. Being volcel means you choose via volition to live a romanceless, dateless and sexless lifestyle. It is the opposite and antonym of the word incel. Men are pretty much never volcels unless they are have a very low sex drive, are extremely religious, have made some strange ascetic vow, or they prefer masturbation to sex with others. Male self-proclaimed volcels are often suspected of being sex pests or pedophiles due to prominent child abuse scandals in the Catholic Church and other religious organizations. The term is also frequently employed as an insult in the incelosphere, to imply that a particular incel isn't putting in enough effort to escape from his self-proclaimed status as "incel," or to claim that only those with very low or non-existent standards should be able to truly consider themselves incel.

The term "volcel" is arguably the most important or most significant word in the lexicon of the sexless as it theoretically assumes and rouses a sense of aptitude and discipline over one's libido, and therefore enables the empowerment of males in such a position. As such, there is some conceptual and abstract overlap between the volcel and fapstinent demographies.

Likely more than 50% of adult virgins are volcels.[1]

Examples[edit | edit source]

Religious orders, such as that of these Bulgarian Orthodox monks, are the most famous examples of volcel communities.

Examples of volcels include "MGTOW monks", Catholic and Buddhist monks, nuns and priests, mystics in the Dharmic religions in general, people who have taken a 'purity pledge',[2] Skoptsy activists, extreme no-fappers (i.e. "semen retention"), certain minority Islamic mystical sects (such as the Qadiriyya),[3][4] sex strikers (usually female social activists), asexuals, etc.

Some famous historical examples of individual volcels would be the Christian apostle Paul, who advised Christian men to eschew sexual intercourse and marriage, and the Buddha, who abandoned his wife and children to became an extreme ascetic monk. An extreme example of a Christian sect which practiced volceldom was the United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Appearing, commonly known as the Shakers. Members of this sect were sworn to lifelong celibacy, which led to the group dying out due to this stricture, apart from a very small community that is currently still extant in the contemporary United States[5]

Another extreme example of historical volcels would be the early Christian 'desert fathers' (ascetic monks), the most egregious example of which being Simeon Stylites, a 5th century Christian ascetic who died a virgin at age 67 and lived for 37 years on the top of a 15-meter pillar to quell any possible sexual temptation.

Some people with Schizoid Personality Disorder have no interest in sex, but not all.

Importance (obsolescence)[edit | edit source]

The term volcel is one of the most important terms in the incelese lexicon. That's because the volcel describes what incels are not. The English language is notorious for having words which initially had one definition, and then over time having the original meaning transformed into a totally different meaning.

The original meaning of the word incel, means involuntary celibate. There are ongoing efforts to make the meaning of this word obsolete. In order to stifle those efforts, one of the key instruments are announcing when its usage contrasts entirely with its original meaning, via the existence of the term volcel. This will stifle any attempt to make the literal meaning of the term incel obsolete.

Are most volcels actually incels in denial?[edit | edit source]

Many incels (and others) claim that most self-proclaimed male volcels are actually incels in denial, who adopt the volcel label to protect their self-image from the harm that admitting their low SMV would entail. Reinforcing this point of view, a study published in 2019 in the journal Evolutionary Psychology, suggest that self-described volcels have similarly low "mating performance" than involuntary singles, thus suggesting that they are single because they are unable to initiate relationships, though previous negative relationship experience was also suggested as a possible causative factor in regards to voluntary singlehood.[6] However, there is undeniably a faction of genuine volcels. This is likely attributed to unique, personal experiences which resulted in depression or a fear of sex entirely. There is an argument to be made, therefore, that this abstinence is not strictly voluntary, as it is influenced by mental health, and therefore there can be no true volcels. However, there are people who have sworn off sex without any negative experience.

Notable volcels[edit | edit source]

Memes[edit | edit source]

See also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

External Link[edit | edit source]

Well-known incel categories

Origin & race




Disease & mental









CybercelEscortcelIncompetencelGymcelLocationcelCountrysidecelDenialcelNearcelSemicelNoncelFakecelTruecelVolcelNymphocelMarcelMismatchcelOldcelYoungcelShycelIncelosphere riftsStandardcelStoicelVoicecelWeebcelSistercelProtocelStormFrontcel

See also: Causes of celibacy, and -cel